Enter 縁 connection

Think of all the ways we have experienced change that was built on disconnection. How do you feel when your voice is left out? When have policies affected you without your knowledge? What decisions have been made on your behalf without your consent?

The change we want to see happen is through connection. It is by entering into connection with people who experience life in different ways that we better understand ourselves, eachother, and how to create communities that all of us want to live in.

Enter Connection seeks to build a decentralized community of youth and adult leaders to create change based in connection. The Chinese character is pronounced "EN" in Japanese. It can mean bond, link, relationship, affinity, or connection. is a kind of destiny or thread that binds us in relation to one another.

How this works

Enter 縁 Connection is a decentralized platform for youth leaders and adult allies to share resources and organize change.

Because of restrictive backlash against open conversations around social identities, lived experiences, and systems of oppression in schools, school-based organizations may have trouble finding resources or adult support to organize meaningful dialogue to build community and collective action to challenge power. The goal of this forum is to allow leaders and allies to freely access, contribute to, and share content and resources to build community and challenge power.

This platform is meant to be informal and decentralized, meaning there is no central authority or organizational structure limiting the conversation, creativity, or connections. Why? Many non-profit organizations are part of the non-profit industrial complex. These are organizations that end up becoming overly tied to existing systems and norms. Philanthropy and fundraising can end up driving decisions. Top-down hierarchies can lead to decisions detached from lived realities. A focus on respectability and acceptability can lead to unproductive self-censorship. Instead, anyone genuinely entering into connection can add to and edit this platform. The goal is to have this grow into a trusted hub of resources, experiences, and connections.